Sunday, December 23, 2007

One more step!

We went in this morning like we always do to give our girl some love and a bottle. And as we were just getting settled, her nurse says "we're going to put her in an open crib today" and wheels it right out! So, when we had to pull ourselves away, we laid her right in it. Of course, like the high-flow and low-flow oxygen, this is still a test. Her temperature tonight was a little low - 98.1 degrees - but we left her bundled up and snuggled in so she'll be nice and warm.

This morning was her third bottle in a row. The night nurse said that they were pulling that annoying tube in her nose tonight too. She'll be on bottle feeds only! Naturally, that will be another test, because if she doesn't take all her feedings, they'll have to put it back in. But, she's done so well on all the other tests she's been given, I'm not too worried.

She got all her shots too. Three or four from the sounds of it. She was pretty sleepy, but didn't seem too upset when we held her or moved her around. In fact, she seemed pretty normal. We had a long talk today with the physical therapist about the things we can do when we go home. She gave us information on a government program that Myla qualifies for because she was born so small that can help her if she has any kind of developmental problems. Not that she sees anything - in fact, she called her darn-near perfect - but if anything should present itself later, we have this option. The nurses and doctors have all been so amazing explaining things to us and keeping us in the loop and showing us these programs. We've really been lucky - in so many ways.

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