Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Lots to be thankful for

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Another year, another Thanksgiving, another “holy cow, the girls are so big” moment.  We’ve had so many things that to list all the things we are thankful for would take up a lot of your computer screen.  So instead of the boring old parent thankful things (you know, good doctors that take care of little broken arms, great teachers that teach your little ones how to be great people, awesome grandparents that love you and your little girls unconditionally, so on and so on), here are some things that Myla and Kinsley are thankful for:

Myla is thankful for Christmas trees and princess dresses and Christmas lights and footie jammies.

Kinsley is thankful for baby dolls and milk cups and blueberries and pennies found on the floor.

Happy Thanksgiving!  We hope you have too many things to count to be thankful for!

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Hey, even princesses need to do their homework!

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