Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Goodbye Cast!

Kinsley 11-4-12

Kinsley got her cast off on the third and never looked back.  I don’t know if she knew why her arm was in a cast, but I think she knew it was better once they took it off.  They took the cast off and then had to take an x-ray to make sure the bone had healed, so they left us for a minute.  She looked at the pins in her arms, pointed to the door and said something like, “okay, lets go!”  They did take the x-ray and were very pleased at the amount of new bone growth and happy that it had healed just about perfectly, so the pins came out.  Kinsley watched them do it – mom did not – and didn’t even really fuss.  In fact, the nurse that was observing commented that Kinsley didn’t even cry.  It took her a couple of days to remember that it wasn’t locked in one position any more and she could use it now.  She still prefers her left hand to do things, but has started to get her right arm moving around.  Basically, its like it never happened except for the scab where they pulled the pins out.  And her mom might be a little more hovering on the playground for the moment.

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