Monday, April 12, 2010

An open letter

Dear Mr. Woodpecker,

Please leave our furnace pipe alone.  We don't like waking up to your banging on something that is obviously not wood.  Its metal. And its loud.  And it wakes up the little one way to early after she's had a hard night getting the sleep she needs.  We would appreciate it if you would go back to whatever grove of trees you came from.  I hear there is some nice ones on the canal.

Thank you.

Dear Stephanie,

I'm sorry I laughed when you posted your experience about a woodpecker on your furnace pipe.  I promise never to do it again.


Stephanie said...

haha! He hasn't bugged us anymore lately. Maybe it's because the crazy lady who lives here throws rocks at him. Or maybe the karma in the world told him to find a new house because you laughed at me! ;)

John & Jeanette Washburn said...

Well, we sent you the one that was bothering us a few years ago. Woodpecker that is. we had the wall open so it was really loud.. Sorry it took so long. I am taking a Day off to do whatever I want. So far it is this. have a great day hope Myla liked the Easter Purse I sent her. Grandma W in Omaha xoxoxoxoxo ps Grandpa does not know that I took the day off. I wonder how long it will take me to let him know...hehehehehe