Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I don't speak monkey

Myla had her quarterly check in with the speech therapist today. Its only the second time she's seen her, so we didn't know what to expect. But she confirmed that Myla is coming along ahead of schedule. There are a few things that we still have to adjust her age for - the walking, the talking - but Myla is comprehending things at her chronological age, which is pretty darn good. She was talking in her gibberish baby talk a lot while the gal was here and when she left, she said that she loves coming to these kinds of appointments because she gets to play instead of "evaluate." It was still a relief to hear even though we knew she was doing great. One of the things she told us to do was to expand on her words - her newest word is flower, so when she says flower we should say, yes those are pretty flowers. It kind of makes me feel like a broken record, but I guess you have to learn somehow right?

I have the day off on Friday (I worked an event last Saturday and have to burn the overtime, ah nuts!) and I don't know what we're going to do. Its a rare treat to have that much family time together so it should be something fun right? We'll keep you updated!

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