Saturday was the annual preemie reunion, which I always love to go to because I want to show Myla off. This year, Myla loved to go to it because they had prizes and dancers and fun things to do. Kinsley had a great time too playing in the swimming pool full of water and looking for babies. The girls got matching flowers on their arms and Myla did some crafts and played some games. We only saw two of our nurses this time, but they both were excited to see us and thought Myla was beautiful. They still check in on her health (can’t take the nurse out of the person even if they are at a luau) and are very happy to hear that she is “normal.” It was a lot of fun for all of us.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
And Check-ups
Myla had a check-in with her eye doctor and I’m proud to say that after almost five years, we have finally been released! Her eyes were 20/20 and she has no signs of cross-eyes or lazy eyes, which is seen a lot in preemies. They thought that her eyes were beautiful blues – but of course!
We've been very blessed with these two girls. And had so much fun in the process. They certainly keep us on our toes!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Floppy hats and pretty shirts
Our little girls are such… girls sometimes. They love to walk around and wear necklaces, or dress up as Cowgirl Myla and Sheriff Kinsley. We’ve had many pretend picnics and parties and balls, and worn many necklaces, medals and scarves. And sometimes, there’s just something in the store that you have to try on, or a box of clothes will arrive in the mail that you have to see how it looks.
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about family and making memories. My friend Kate just found out that her mom is terminally ill and each day I’m thankful for my family. For my mom and dad. For these two sweet smiles that greet me in the morning. For each and every moment that we get to spend laughing and talking and being together.
Wow – I didn’t mean to make this such a mushy post. Sorry mom, should have put a disclaimer at the top huh?
Monday, August 6, 2012
Dancing and Singing
For the last five weeks, Myla has been going to a fairy-tale dance camp. Its been pretty neat, they read a princess story and then the teacher attempts to teach a bunch of 4-5 year old girls some ballet to the songs that go with the stories. Myla has really had a good time and spends a lot of the week asking when dance class is again. There’s only one more though, so we need to be looking long and hard at a new class to send her to. I’m sure it won’t be the same because Miss Jessica won’t be her teacher, but once she gets into it, she’ll like it just as much. School starts up again soon as well, so between school, gymnastics and a dance class, this girl should be smart and graceful – a good combo I think.
Kinsley has discovered a love of singing and will walk around the house singing at the top of her lungs. Especially if she is holding or close to a guitar. Or if Myla has been singing a song in the car, Kinsley will join right in and just keep on going. Its pretty cute to hear her go. When she isn’t singing, she’s been picking up a lot of words – shoe, bubble, ball, balloon. And she lights up when her big sister comes around or has been off somewhere and comes back. She’s growing super fast (it seems) and I’m anxious to see what the doctor says for her 18 month check up.