Saturday, May 15, 2010

A Yellow Train

Today, Johnny was sleeping. Myla was not. And so, rather than run around screaming and waking up daddy (Myla screaming, not me), we headed out to explore this city we are third and fourth generations of, respectfully. We grabbed some snacks and headed down to Confluence Park. Myla loved to watch the waterfall, even if it was loud. She wouldn't get too close though, or go over the grate where you can see the water below you, but she was perfectly happy to point from afar.

We walked around a little bit and found some statues of three bears, which from that moment on became Myla's new friends. She would bring them rocks from the other sections of the walking path and give them soft touches. She wasn't even too afraid of mommy bear, which when you walked from the other direction became daddy bear. Perspective I guess.

And then, when there was only kids to keep her entertained, the Platte Valley Trolley came to whisk us away down the river. She was so excited to hold on to her ticket and to feel the wind blowing her hair. They showed us some neat things, like swallows nests that are built onto an old bridge. (Side note here, did you know that swallows come back to the same nest every year!? How do they know...) It was fun to watch her eyes light up when we got moving and her little voice say "we riding the train mommy!"

And on the way home, she fell asleep.

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

I heart you all! ;)