Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What's this?

Myla's favorite question is "what's this?" She'll point to something she sees when we walk the dog and ask, or she'll find something and hold it up and ask. Sometimes, we answer her four or five times until she's got it. She loves to try out the word that we tell her - tonight it was styrofoam - until she says it to her satisfaction. She is also very good at recognizing letters. We'll be driving down the street and she'll see the "H" sign for hospital and she'll say "there's an H." Most of the time, if she sees a word, she'll say "look! ABCs!" Tonight, she let me read to her the whole Stinky Cheese Man book.  I don't think she got most of the humor in the stories, but Johnny laughed at them.  She liked to look at the pictures and she wanted me to read it again.

The other night, Myla did not want to sit still. She wanted to go anywhere, and so we took a drive around some neighborhoods to see what we could see. While we were out, we stopped at Dairy Queen to share a blizzard. Myla had more fun getting the ice cream on the spoon and feeding me than she did eating it herself. After every bite, she would say "chocolate good stuff." I would have to agree. It was very fun, and very messy, and very much a memory that I will want to hold close as she grows.  It makes me wonder - again - how early you start remembering things.  I hope that we are giving her lots of good memories to hold close to her heart too.

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Love "Stinky Cheese Man!" he he he. Brilliant, she's simply brilliant, of course!