Thursday, July 24, 2008

Nine months - times 10!

Myla is nine months old today - and ten times her birth weight. Quite an accomplishment. We went and saw the doctor for her nine month check up and while the shots weren't a great way to say congratulations, everything else was good. She officially weighed in at 14 pounds 3/4 ounce, and was 24 1/4" long. She's also twice as long as she was when she was born! So, when Myla was born, she weighed 22 ounces. Today, she weighed 224 ounces. Most nine month babies at their check-ups are only twice their birth weight. Needless to say, the doctor is keeping her on the multi-vitamin because she is just growing so fast. He also said that we could call to have the oxygen picked up and out of the house! Yes! She hasn't shown any signs of needing it, or missing it.The doctor was very impressed with her and kept saying she was doing really good. We knew that though.

This was kind of a bittersweet week around the house. John will be interviewing with the manager of a second and bigger store today and will probably become the LP manager of two stores. It shows a tremendous amount of confidence from his boss to offer him such a position. And he's a little overwhelmed at the prospect of it, but I think once her figures out schedules and such, he'll really enjoy it. On the other hand, I was informed on Monday that I will be laid off in six weeks. My boss was really generous in giving me the six weeks and it gives me a chance to have a paycheck and insurance while looking for a new job. I've had my resume out there for a couple of months, but no real bites yet. Hopefully something will happen soon. However, we still feel nothing but grateful that we have a healthy, happy, beautiful little girl that makes us smile all the time. The rest - well, nothing really compares to that does it?


Kathleen said...

First, Wahooo Myla!!!! High five, High five, High five! Next, go John, go John, go John. Okay, after all my silliness, are you okay Kara? I hope the job hunting goes well.

John & Jeanette Washburn said...

Wonderful news on Myla and Johnny...Kara, First Data's Headquarters is over there in Denver. They may have postings because they are going thru some changes too! Change is good though. Hang in there. Grammy in Omaha..