When else in one's life can a birthday be cause for so much celebration? The very first birthday. The one you're not likely to remember at all but to most of those who were there, it will be one for the scrap books. I don't know if Myla had any fun or not...who am I kidding, she had too much fun! She was so tired before the party was over. The stimulation of all the people there to see her, the bright, fancy wrappings and don't forget the textures, like birthday cake and tissue paper. Flashing lights on toys and noises accompanying them... it's a lot to take in when you're little.
We would like to thank everyone who came and helped make Myla's day so special. It's wonderful to know so many people care about you and looking back, I know she will see it. And for all the family and Framily that are out of town, we know your wishes for Myla on her special day were felt. It's amazing how much fun we had celebrating our little girl! It really brought back the mystique and joy of not just birthdays but all new and exciting things that Myla is experiencing, we're re-living them all over again through her beautiful blue eyes.
Myla, on Saturday, decided to be more independent...or rather Dad was not paying close enough attention.... I was changing her diaper and left her on the changing pad on top of her dresser to kneel down and un-clog the diaper genie when out of the corner of my eye something was coming towards me really fast. I pivoted and stuck out my arms and there was Myla! Very surprised of course, and so was I. I still don't know how I caught her but I dare not try for a repeat event. Our life is about to become much more interesting. Myla can inch forward on her hands and knees now and she loves to walk if someone holds her hands. It's more like a march, but she's got the basics down. It won't be long and we'll have to really keep a sharp eye out for a wobbly little mover. Look out Cat!