Monday, July 19, 2010


All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go... Its official - next week we sign the papers on a new house. Myla is very excited to live in the "steps with the house." We found an amazing one, not too far away, and big enough for Johnny's five guitars. (He would correct me here and say he only has four - and one bass.) Its going to be a good house, once we can get all our stuff packed up and ready. And much bigger than the one we are in now, which will be a huge change. My mom jokes that all of our furniture will fit in one room and we will still have room to move around. Overall though, we are pretty excited. Here are a few pictures of it...

The front of the house.

The family room.

The kitchen.

The living room.

With all this packing up and moving things around, sometimes you just need a break. And since its been in the triple digits, the pool looks like the best place to do that. Dinosaurs and all.


Dave and Stephanie said...

what?! where is the new place? are you leaving the ward? it looks fantastic! i need details! and your blog background is cute by the way (i usually just read through google reader so i don't see it).

Cole and Mindy Smith said...

What in the heck! I didn't even know you were moving! Is it still in the ward? We will miss you so bad if it isn't! I can't wait to talk to you about it!

Kathleen said...

Gorgeous house! I totally want to come and use "our" room in the very near future! We'll probably have to wait at least until you move in though ;) Congrats again!

Evans said...

we are so happy for you guys. can't wait to see more pictures. hope the move isn't to hard with the weather being hot. love you guys

Tio said...

We are happy for you guys! Nice house!!!

John & Jeanette Washburn said...

So was there water in that thar pool? They both look tired. That is only a quarter of the house . Now all you need to do is fill it with more kids. More on that later. He hehehe!! I want to come and help you move and clean. I know there are two bedrooms down below and four upstairs.. What a steal. Love you guys..Who knows, I might be there with my Kirby and the shampooer...Grammy in Omaha.