Saturday, August 23, 2008

I spy with my little eye

A tooth! Its just barely cut through the gums, but there it is, sharp as all get out. We were just watching the Bronco game and Grandma kept saying, "I think you're teething" and I thought, nah, I just checked yesterday. But sure enough, I stuck my finger in and right there, lower front, a little tooth. She didn't show any classic signs - no excessive drooling, no runny nose, no high fever - just a few nights she wouldn't go to sleep so easy. Her dad thinks its kind of a bittersweet moment, yeah Myla has a tooth, but bummer our little girl is growing up. I told him that there were a lot of joys that came with the growing up too. Like corn on the cob and running around the park!

I think she is growing too - she's eating so well and sleeping a lot. But since when has she followed classic signs, right? Her eye appointment on Tuesday went really well, everything looked great and she shows no signs of near or far-sightedness. They don't want to see us for two years! The occupational therapist came on Wednesday and could not stop raving about how well she was progressing. Myla really showed off too, grabbing her toes and sitting up straight and talking! She showed us some things to do - as usual - that will help build her muscle strength as well.

On the completely other end of the spectrum, Myla's Great-Grandma Witulski passed away on Thursday. She hasn't been doing well and we know that she is in a better place and can finally give my Grandpa a ration about not visiting her, but its still a sad time. I'm sad that she didn't get to know more of Myla, and vice-versa, but I have some fond memories that maybe someday I'll tell her about.

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Way to go on the teeth Myla! I can't believe that it's only 14 days away until I get to tell you all sorts of things about your mom and dad! Okay, so maybe not all sorts of things, but we're really excited.
On a sadder note, I'm so sorry Kara about your Grandma. Here's my hug. Mmmmmmmm. Remind me when you're here, and I make that a real one :)
See ya soon,